Il principio di responsabilità di Hans Jonas: sviluppi e prospettive nell’implementazione dello sviluppo sostenibile e dei diritti della natura

Riflessioni etico-giuridiche


  • Silvia Salardi Univerisity of Milano-Bicocca



Hans Jonas, responsibility, sustainable development, climate change, rights of nature


Hans Jonas’ Principle of Responsibility: Developments and Perspectives in the Implementation of Sustainable Development and of the Rights of Nature. Ethical-Legal Reflections

The period between 1992, date of the Rio Earth Summit, and today is long enough to assess whether and how the principle of responsibility elaborated by Hans Jonas has been implemented at the normative level regarding environmental issues related to climate change, both at the international and European level. In particular, the study of the political-legal evolution of sustainable development represents a fruitful way to assess the ability of humanity to not put in danger the conditions for the indefinite survival of humanity on earth. In light of the previous considerations, the paper analyses the ethical-legal implementation of Jonas’ principle of responsibility following two directions. The first one focuses on some principles at the basis of the ethical-legal architecture of sustainable development at the international and European level. The second one addresses the proposal for the EU Fundamental Charter for the Rights of Nature. The critical and thought-provoking aim of the paper is to revive attention to elements emerging from Jonas ethical approach and from the original version of sustainable development that may be useful to produce the radical shift hoped for decades but not yet achieved.


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How to Cite

Salardi, S. (2024). Il principio di responsabilità di Hans Jonas: sviluppi e prospettive nell’implementazione dello sviluppo sostenibile e dei diritti della natura: Riflessioni etico-giuridiche. Isonomía - Revista De teoría Y filosofía Del Derecho, (59).



Special Issue on Hans Jonas’ Principle of Responsibility Principle in the Context of Climate Change