

Graduated with honors in Law in 1998 at University of Naples "Federico II", Giovanni Bisogni earned a PhD in Modern Legal History, with a dissertation about the impact of Constitutional Court on Italian theory of law and State after II World War (supervisor: prof. Maurizio Fioravanti - University of Florence). Member of Laboratorio "Hans Kelsen" (a research group in Legal and Political Philosophy of University of Salerno) since its foundation in 2004, he is professor in Legal Philosophy at University of Salerno since 2014, where he holds the chair of Theory of law and argumentation and Theory of interpretation. Lecturer at several universities and cultural institutions (among others: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici – Naples; University of Milan “L. Bocconi”; Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nacion – Mexico; Goethe University of Frankfurt; University of Pisa; Roma 3 University; Universidad Católica de Colombia), he is part of the Scientific committee of Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici – Scuola di Salerno, as well as editorial board’s member of renown journals and book series (in addition to “Isonomia”, “Soft Power. Euro-American Journal of Historical and Theoretical Studies of Politics/Revista euro-americana de teoría e historia de la política y del derecho”, “Rivista di filosofia del diritto” – until 2019; “Filosofia politica”; “Teoria e storia del diritto” and “Ethos/Nomos”, both by Giappichelli publisher; “Quaderni del Laboratorio Hans Kelsen”, Mimesis publisher). His main research interests revolve around theory of legal interpretation and argumentation, history of legal and political concepts, legal positivism in the XIX and XX centuries and legal theory qua constitutional theory. Last writings (selection): La politicità delle leggi. Tra le origini costituenti e il dibattito giusteorico contemporaneo, Giappichelli, Torino 2017; Il controllo di costituzionalità secondo Luigi Ferrajoli: “auctoritas” o “veritas facit iudicium”?, in “Diritto e questioni pubbliche”, 2018, 1; Heller, Hermann, in M. Sellers-S. Kirste (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Springer, Dordrecht, 2019; In Search of Balance: Robert Alexy’s Dual Nature of Law in the Light of Constitutional Justice, in “Rivista di filosofia del diritto”, 2020, 2; The Question to Be Faced Is One of Fact: H.L.A. Hart's Legal Theory through His View of International Law, in The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence”, 2021, 2; El derecho en Gramsci: entre “estructura”, “superestructura” y “sociedad regulada” in J.L. Villacañas-A. Garrido (coord.), Efecto Gramsci: De la renovación del marxismo al populismo contemporáneo, Lengua de Trapo, Madrid, 2022; La costituzione materiale a Weimar: Rudolf Smend, Hermann Heller, Carl Schmitt, in “Filosofia politica”, 2023, 1.